白沃地 - Shiroi Ji
白沃地 - Shiroi Ji
Why was this dress made?
Years of Living Kindly (YOLK) creates 'dresses that make Asian women beautiful.' This is because we want today's women to wear the values of Asian and Japanese nature, culture, art, and 'storytelling' that traditional kimonos once held dear at important moments.
Therefore, YOLK's director writes a short story every season, along with dresses and their pattern backgrounds, stages, and the prayers and wishes contained therein. Thus, the 'dresses that play a role' like kimonos aim to cherish the formal wear of Japanese women and are made for this purpose.
How was this dress created?
Gunma is a place where you can feel the life of mountains and wildflowers. It's where the roughness of the land and the delicacy of craftsmanship intersect. 'Shiroiji' expresses this, combining a three-dimensional jacquard fabric with a fine floral pattern fabric to create a dress.
It is a dress made with domestically produced jacquard, meticulously finished by artisans by hand. We used jacquard with variations in color intensity and three-dimensionality between the front and back, alternating twisted shapes. The three-dimensional pile edging the wildflowers is all hand-cut and finished by artisans. It's a domestically produced textile and domestically manufactured dress, spreading white wildflowers swimming on a beige background.
The meaning of 'Shiroiji,' also pronounced 'yōji,' mostly refers to fertile land where many things are nurtured, indicating rich soil. This dress is imbued with the wish for 'abundance.' It is an offering to the wearer or the event they participate in by wearing it.
What kind of dress is this?
It does not have a strong gloss. Please wear it to attend weddings, important meals, commemorative photos, and seasonal events. Due to its beige color, it can also be worn to attend weddings. It is suitable for formal ceremonies as well. Additionally, it is lightweight, durable, and made of material that does not wrinkle. Therefore, it is perfect for travel. This is a thick dress with lining that can be worn from summer to autumn.
*Made in Japan: Many products are labeled 'Made in Japan,' indicating that the fabric is imported from overseas and sewn in Japan. This dress, on the other hand, aims for 'purely Japanese' craftsmanship, using Gunma-produced textiles and domestically manufactured products.
2. Product Story
The full text of the story can be read in [着者語24 Summer].
3. Material Information
- Main Fabric: 27% Nylon, 73% Acetate (Domestically finished)
- Lining: 100% Cupra
- Manufactured in Japan
- Hand washable at home.
4. Size Information
【S Size】
- Length: 86CM
- Bust: 87CM
- Waist: 68CM
- Hip: 115CM
- Shoulder Width: 38CM
- Around Upper Arm: 25CM
【M Size】
- Length: 87CM
- Bust: 91CM
- Hip: 96CM
- Shoulder Width: 39CM
- Around Upper Arm: 26.5CM
※ Model's height is 167cm.
Years of Living Kindly (YOLK) では「日本の女性を美しくするドレス」を作っています。それはかつてのお着物が持っていた、日本の自然、文化、芸術、そして「物語」の価値観を、今日の日本の女性にも、大事な場面でまとってほしいと思うからです。それはきっと、お守りのような役割を果たします。大切な人の結婚式の参列、特別な食事、晴れ舞台、家族写真、季節の行事で、着てもらいたいと考えました。
そのためYOLKでは、ディレクターが短編「着物語」を毎季執筆し、ドレスやその模様の背景、舞台、そしてそこに込めた祈りや願いを、添えています。そうして、着物のような「役割」を果たすドレスを作ることで、日本の女性の正装を大切にすることを目指して作られているのが、*Years of Living Kindly (YOLK) の「日本の女性を美しくするドレス」です。
ブランド名である“Years of Living Kindly (YOLK)”は、私たちが考える「侘び寂び ・わびさび」の英訳です。
*Made in Japan 商品には「生地は海外輸入、縫製は日本」の製品が多くあります。こちらは群馬産テキスタイル、国内縫製という、日本の工芸品を目指した「純国産」のドレスです。
物語の全文は [着物語 24年 夏 ] でお読みいただけます。
- 表地 :ナイロン27% アセテ-ト73% (国産 手仕上げ)
- 裏地 :キュプラ100%
- 縫製 :日本製
Length 着丈: 86CM | Bustバスト: 87CM Waist | ウェスト:68CM | Hipヒップ: 115CM | Shoulder Width 肩幅 : 38CM | Around Upper Arm 袖口:25CM
Length 着丈: 87CM | Bustバスト: 91CM Waist | ウェスト:CM | Hipヒップ: 96CM
Shoulder Width 肩幅 : 39CM | Around Upper Arm 袖口:26.5CM
- 上の期間限定ドレスです。販売期間終了後は、生産、販売致しません。