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花捻 - Hana Hineri

花捻 - Hana Hineri

通常価格 $607.00 USD
通常価格 セール価格 $607.00 USD
セール 売り切れ


Why was this dress made?

Years of Living Kindly (YOLK) creates 'dresses that make Asian women beautiful.' This is because we want today's women to wear the values ​​of Asian and Japanese nature, culture, art, and 'storytelling' that traditional kimonos once held dear at important moments.

Therefore, YOLK's director writes a short story every season, along with dresses and their pattern backgrounds, stages, and the prayers and wishes contained therein. Thus, the 'dresses that play a role' like kimonos aim to cherish the formal wear of Japanese women and are made for this purpose.

The setting for this season's story is Gunma. The inspiration comes from the mountainous landscapes, nature, city, textiles, and the history of female artisans and factories in Gunma. From being completely captivated by feeling all of this with my senses, a story was born, and one of the dresses created from this story is called 'Hanahineri' (Flower Twist). I wanted to incorporate the soul of the land of gentle harmony and fusion into the dress.

The brand name 'Years of Living Kindly (YOLK)' is the English translation of 'Wabi-sabi,' which we believe in.

How was this dress created?

Connecting peak to peak along the mountains are ridgelines. The 'Hanahineri' dress, which flows along the ridgelines where flowers dance, is expressed in a glossy jacquard with a blackish-green hue, layered like a bag. Using this luxurious thick fabric, we created a soft, twisted curve dress.

One of the director's favorite flowers is the plum blossom. Loved in Japan since ancient times, this flower has been associated with 'giving birth' and 'producing' and has been a flower that symbolizes auspiciousness, creativity, and motherhood for women. Therefore, the floral patterns reminiscent of plum blossoms are incorporated into dresses at YOLK regardless of the season.

This dress is imbued with the wish for 'creating love.' It is an offering to the wearer or the event they participate in by wearing it.

What kind of dress is this?

It is a dress with a three-dimensional shape and a glamorous luster. Please wear it to attend weddings, important meals, commemorative photos, and seasonal events. It is also suitable for formal ceremonies, but when attending events where shoulders should not be exposed, layer it with lace or sheer long-sleeved tops underneath and wear it with outerwear.

This is a thick dress with lining that can be worn from summer to autumn. Additionally, it is lightweight and durable. It is made of material that is resistant to wrinkles and maintains the beauty of the silhouette, making it perfect for travel.

2. Product Story
The full text of the story can be read in [着物語24 Summer].

3. Material Information
- Main Fabric: 100% Polyester (Made in Japan)
- Lining: 100% Cupra
- Manufactured in Japan
- Hand washable at home.

4. Size Information

【S Size】
- Length: 86CM
- Bust: 87CM
- Waist: 68CM
- Hip: 115CM

【M Size】
- Length: 87CM
- Bust: 91CM
- Waist: 71CM
- Hip: 118CM
※ Model's height is 167cm.



Years of Living Kindly (YOLK) では「日本の女性を美しくするドレス」を作っています。それはかつてのお着物が持っていた、日本の自然、文化、芸術、そして「物語」の価値観を、今日の日本の女性にも、大事な場面でまとってほしいと思うからです。それはきっと、お守りのような役割を果たします。大切な人の結婚式の参列、特別な食事、晴れ舞台、家族写真、季節の行事で、着てもらいたいと考えました。

そのためYOLKでは、ディレクターが短編「着物語」を毎季執筆し、ドレスやその模様の背景、舞台、そしてそこに込めた祈りや願いを、添えています。そうして、着物のような「役割」を果たすドレスを作ることで、日本の女性の正装を大切にすることを目指して作られているのが、*Years of Living Kindly (YOLK) の「日本の女性を美しくするドレス」です。


ブランド名である“Years of Living Kindly (YOLK)”は、私たちが考える「侘び寂び ・わびさび」の英訳です。



ディレクターの最も好きな花の一つが、梅です。平安以前から、日本で愛でられてきたその花は、古来から日本では「産む / 生む」と関連づけられ、女性にとってめでたい、創造や母性を感じさせる花でした。そのため、梅を彷彿とさせる花紋様は、季節を問わず、YOLKではドレスにとり入れています。








物語の全文は [着物語 24年 夏 ] でお読みいただけます。



  • 表地 : ポリエステル 100% (国産 )
  • 裏地 :キュプラ100%
  • 縫製 : 日本製




Length 着丈: 86CM  | Bustバスト: 87CM Waist | ウェスト:68CM | Hipヒップ: 115CM


Length 着丈: 87CM  | Bustバスト: 91CM Waist | ウェスト:71CM | Hipヒップ: 118CM





  • 上の期間限定ドレスです。販売期間終了後は、生産、販売致しません。

